  • Why Marketing is like footbal

Why Marketing is like Football

A Useful Analogy for Marketing Budget Discussions If you’re trying to justify a large marketing budget for the coming year, October is a great time to reference football. Not only is Q4

Why Marketing is like Football

A Useful Analogy for Marketing Budget Discussions If you’re trying to justify a large marketing budget for the coming year, October is a great time to reference football. Not only is Q4 when budget discussions occur, there’s a seasonal reference you can drop into budget discussions with

What Do B2B Startup Marketers Do?

Creating a Marketing Foundation for Corporate Success If you have ever wondered what B2B startup marketers do during their long work days, here's a composite sketch structured as I were talking to a class of graduating college students curious about a possible future in B2B startup marketing.


Why Marketing is like Football

A Useful Analogy for Marketing Budget Discussions If you’re trying to justify a large marketing budget for the coming year, October is a great time to reference football. Not only is Q4 when budget discussions occur, there’s a seasonal reference you can drop into budget discussions with

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Whether it’s a Me (as a solo contributor) or a We (when I call in expert colleagues and resources), your business challenges and opportunities will be tackled with curiosity, enthusiasm and the experience of 20+ years in B2B marketing.


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